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Answering Your Questions!


Hey friend!

As you may know, I headed over to Instagram a few days ago to open the floor for you to ask me anything you were curious about! A little Q&A if you will. So lets get to it!

  1. What is your favorite broadway show you've been to and which one would you like to see in the future?

Call me basic, but my favorite broadway show would have to be Wicked. While I do love Hairspray, I haven't actually seen it on Broadway. I think I love this show so much because it was the first big production I saw when I was young. It was powerful and mature and it really solidified my desire to become an actress. I actually was fortunate enough to see Wicked on Broadway this week for the 4th time with my boyfriend, and he surprisingly really enjoyed it. I really needed to do something for myself and I bought the tickets on impulse. It was definitely a good decision. A show i've been dying to see is SIX. I love the music and I could definitely see myself in that show one day.

2. Your favorite part of living in the city!

My favorite part about living in New York city is the fact that all of my passions live here. I love being able to hop on the train and go see a Broadway show on a Wednesday afternoon. I also love the fact that everything happens here. If someone is going on tour, they are NOT skipping NYC. The convenience is also a plus. Not having to drive to get to the grocery store is super nice.

3. Are you going to Darren's Crissmas Concert?

Absolutely! My mom and I got the VIP package and I am so stoked! My mom loves the holidays and she has always wanted to experience Christmas in New York , so I'm really excited to experience this with her. I have been working my ass off with school lately so it's nice to have something to look forward to.

4. What are your goals post school?

I definitely want to start working. I want to create a life here in New York and be able to do the thing I love. The plan is to AUDITION, AUDITION, AUDITION....

5. What do you do when you're stressed and overwhelmed?

I love this question because i've recently had to figure this out, so thank you for asking this! I have learned that I usually start to feel stressed and overwhelmed when I am not properly taking care of myself. The key is to get back to the basics: sleep, water, and nutritious foods. The second layer to that is making sure you are doing something just for pure joy and pleasure. For me thats doing my makeup, or watching Glee for example. When we are in a constant state of go go go, we start to abandon the things that make us who we are as individuals. I had to learn this the hard way recently. I was be pushed so intensely to the point where I was having panic attacks in class everyday of the week, I couldn't produce quality work anymore, and I got pretty sick. I ran my body down so much that I was forced to take a break. Another thing I have learned from going through extreme burn out, is the ability to advocate for myself. There comes a point where you have to stick up for yourself and look out for your own best interest, because most of the time no one else will. For example: I was pushing myself in school and rehearsal because I wanted to have a good reputation and establish my good work ethic. However, I realized that none of that mattered if by the time the show came around I was so run down I couldn't perform. Learning to pick and choose your battles and prioritizing is more important than we realize.

6. What is your favorite episode of Glee and why?

Blame it on the Alcohol! I talk about this episode all the time so it's probably not a surprise lol. I just love this ep because it's truly an ensemble episode. I think the best episodes of Glee are the ones that highlight the cast as a whole. I just love the whole cast so much and everyone really gets a chance to shine.

7.What is your favorite thing/quality about your boyfriend?

This is such a sweet question! First of all, he's very smart and has his shit together, which I think is very attractive. His identity is not Alexis' boyfriend which is something I value in a partner. He has his own passions, his own goals, and his own life. So the qualities that he he posses as a person and for himself are the most important to me.

When it comes to our relationship, I really appreciate how attentive and caring his. He always has my best interest at heart and always tries to make me feel comfortable. If i'm having a bad day, he genuinely cares and checks in on me. His communication skills are very good and he makes space for me to communicate as well. He's also very supportive of my craft and career even though he has no idea what i'm talking about half of the time.

8. Favorite New York bagel place?

Leo's in FiDi for sure. We're actually waiting for our bagels to be delivered as we speak! Kinda annoyed because it's taking forget.

9. What are your holiday plans?

Ugh...I am so excited for the holidays! Sadly, for Thanksgiving, I will not be going home because the show is right around the corner and traveling would just add another layer of stress. However, my mom will be coming in for a few days so I don't spend it alone.

I go on Christmas break on December 14th, so I am planning on doing some fun Christmasy things in the city during that time. As far as Christmas, I will be going home the day after Darren's show. I do plan to be back in NY before New Years.

10. Go to snacks on the go

As of late, I have been horrible with eating enough and consistently. That being said, when I do have my shit together, these are the snacks that fuel me:

  • Cashews & Almonds

  • Peanut Butter sandwhich

  • Protein shakes

  • Carrots & Hummus

  • Any kind of fruit (apples, pears, bananas, etc.)

  • Uncrustables ( not the healthiest, but I just really fucking love peanut butter & jelly)

  • Granola Bars

Welp...that's all folks. This was really fun and I really enjoyed answering some of your questions! Let me know if you enjoyed it too and would like me to make this a recurring thing.

Until next time!


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